List of Antioxidant Supplements

Commentary - Oxidants and Antioxidants in Medical Science (2022)

List of Antioxidant Supplements

Jin Biao*
Department of Chemistry, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, China
*Corresponding Author:

Jin Biao, Department of Chemistry, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou, China, Email:

Received: 02-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. EJMOAMS-22-54200; Editor assigned: 04-Feb-2022, Pre QC No. EJMOAMS-22-54200 (PQ); Reviewed: 18-Feb-2022, QC No. EJMOAMS-22-54200; Revised: 23-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. EJMOAMS-22-54200 (R); Published: 02-Mar-2022


Antioxidants are ingredients that are thought to reduce the effects of free radicals. Free radicals are substances that cause oxidative stress, which can contribute to aging and certain diseases. Taking antioxidants is thought to prevent these effects. Antioxidants do not seem to help with various types of cancer or heart disease.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), or ubiquinone, is actually a vitamin or substance similar to vitamin. It is found in small amounts of a variety of foods and is absorbed into all tissues. The biosynthesis of CoQ10 from the amino acid tyrosine is a multi-phase process that requires at least eight vitamins and a few trace elements.

CoQ10 decreases in the body as people age or develop certain diseases (such as other heart conditions, Parkinson’s disease, and asthma). But that does not mean that low levels of CoQ10 cause disease or that extra CoQ10 will fight the disease or slow down the effects of aging. Some medications, including certain cholesterol-lowering statins, beta-blockers, and antidepressants, can lower CoQ10 levels in the body, but there is no evidence that this causes any side effects.

Alpha-lipoic acid

Alpha-lipoic acid can effectively combine vitamins C and E as part of the first line of defense against free radicals. The body often converts alpha-lipoic acid into di hydro lipoic acid, which appears to be a more potent antioxidant. The therapeutic dose of lipoic acid is 600 mg/day in Europe. In the United States, it is marketed as a dietary supplement, usually as a 50- mg pill. A rich source of alpha-lipoic acid is red meat.

Ellagic acid

Ellagic acid is a plant polyphenol and a highly effective antioxidant that inhibits hydroxyl radicals. It is usually found in pomegranates. Pomegranates have grown in Asia and the Middle East for thousand years for spiritual and health reasons. Western medicine has recently come to realize the importance of this powerful drug, which is gaining popularity in preventing and treating cancer and heart disease. Recent scientific studies suggest that pomegranate may be helpful in preventing and treating various cancers, such as prostate cancer.

Green tea

Green tea has been used for centuries in India, China, Japan and Iran, and in traditional Chinese and Indian medicines, it has been used as a stimulant (somnolence), diuretic (to promote urination), astringent (to control bleeding and help heal wounds), and to improve heart health. Other traditional uses of green tea include treating constipation, regulating body temperature and blood glucose levels, promoting digestion, and improving mental processes.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C reaches all parts of the body, and the level of vitamin C in both blood serum and tissue is very high. In fact, the nutrient plays a vital role in shaping and protecting our connective tissue, the upper matrix that holds the body together. Studies show that antioxidant supplements for vitamin C can help prevent cancer in many ways. For example, vitamin C fights the peroxidation of lipids, which have been linked to degeneration and aging. Vitamin C can also reduce the development of nitrosamines from nitrates, chemicals that are widely used in digested foods.


Selenium is a mineral trace that supports the healthy functioning of the immune system, acts as a powerful antioxidant glutathione, and is essential for good thyroid health.

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