Antioxidant Metabolism in Biological Systems

Commentary - Oxidants and Antioxidants in Medical Science (2021)

Antioxidant Metabolism in Biological Systems

Igor Yakymenko*
Department of Biophysics, Belgrade University, USA
*Corresponding Author:

Igor Yakymenko, Department of Biophysics, Belgrade University, USA, Email:

Received: 05-Nov-2021 Published: 26-Nov-2021


Antioxidants are chemicals that prevent oxidation, a chemical reaction that can result in free radicals and chain reactions that can harm organisms’ cells. These processes may be inhibited by antioxidants such as thiols or ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Plants and mammals maintain intricate systems of overlapping antioxidants, such as glutathione, to balance oxidative stress. Vitamins A, C, and E are the only dietary antioxidants. Industrial chemicals added during manufacture to prevent oxidation in synthetic rubber, plastics, and fuels, as well as preservatives in food and cosmetics, are referred to as antioxidants. Albeit explicit measures of cell reinforcement nutrients in the eating routine are important for ideal wellbeing, regardless of whether cancer prevention agent rich food varieties or enhancements have hostile to infection movement is as yet a question of contention. Besides, regardless of whether cell reinforcements are gainful, it is obscure whether cancer prevention agents in the eating regimen are wellbeing advancing and in what sums past common dietary admission. A few creators contend that cancer prevention agent nutrients can assist with staying away from constant infections, while others say the hypothesis is unwarranted and wrong. Polyphenols have cancer prevention agent capacities in vitro, yet their cell reinforcement movement in vivo is questionable because of significant many an absorption and an absence of clinical proof. Moderately strong decreasing acids can have antinutrient impacts by hindering the assimilation of dietary components like iron and zinc in the gastrointestinal parcel. Oxalic corrosive, tannins, and phytic corrosive, which are all bountiful in plant-based eating regimens, are models. Calcium and iron insufficiency are far and wide in agricultural nation counts calories, where less meat is consumed and phytic corrosive from beans and unleavened entire grain bread is consumed in huge amounts. Germination, drenching, and microbial aging, then again, are generally normal family strategies for bringing down the phytate and polyphenol levels of raw oat. Grown-ups who ate dephytinized grains had higher Fe, Zn, and Ca retention than the people who ate oats with their normal phytate. Cell reinforcements are isolated into two classes in light of whether they are solvent in water (hydrophilic) or lipids (lipophilic) (lipophilic). Water-dissolvable cancer prevention agents, then again, respond with oxidants in the cell cytosol and blood plasma, though lipid-solvent cancer prevention agents safeguard cell films from lipid peroxidation. These substances can be made in the body or got through food. Various cancer prevention agents are found in shifting sums in human liquids and tissues, with some, as glutathione or ubiquinone, being concentrated to a great extent inside cells and others, as uric corrosive, being all the more generally conveyed (see table beneath). A few cancer prevention agents are found in a couple of organic entities, however they can be huge in contaminations and destructiveness factors. Subsequently, the viability of one cancer prevention agent might be subject to the fitting working of different cell reinforcements in the framework. The degree of assurance provided by every cell not set in stone by its focus, reactivity toward the responsive oxygen species being referred to, and the cancer prevention agent condition of the cell reinforcements with which it interfaces.

Conflict of Interest

The author declares that there is no area of interest.


The author would like to express his gratitude towards all the team members who participated in the research work.